A private care assisted living home can be an amazing business, but compliance & insurance can be complicated. Your team at Prosperity North are experts in compliance and insurance. We take the time to understand your business needs putting together a customized comprehensive insurance package to stay in compliance while protecting your prosperity.
Don't let one accident destroy everything you've built. Our clients have confidence that they are properly insured, in compliance, and have strategic plans in place to grow their business, hire the best staff, and build long-term Prosperity.
Private Care Assisted Living Homes
Are You Properly Insured?
You own an assisted living home but there are a lot of questions about compliance and insurance. Your team at Prosperity North are insurance and compliance experts with years of experience handling complex situations.
It’s free and easy to get started proprietary planning process. We will examine current policies determining exposures, eliminating liabilities, and aligning them with your overall goals. Once that plan is in place Prosperity has begun centered on 3 foundations:
Eliminating Liabilities
Legacy Focused Growth
Our clients know the value of their business, can identify growth factors and are free to focus on their legacy. The easiest way to get started is to set an appointment to see how our proprietary planning process can help protect your Prosperity.
AHCCCS Compliance
ALTCS Compliance
Growth Strategy

Employee Benefits
Reduce Taxes
Don't Play 'What If"
General Liability
Professional Liability
Work Comp
Commercial Umbrella
Commercial Auto
Employee Benefits
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